Monday, March 18, 2013


Hello all!

I have been writing for a few years at LiveJournal not much and pretty sporadic, but it seems that most people are now doing Blogger, and after looking it over I think it might be nicer for what I like to do. You can still see my LiveJournalHere , and I will continue to update it as well though only with sewing stuff. I probably with be blogging mainly about sewing, but I imagine a few bits and pieces from the rest of my life might slip in now and then (expect to see a bit of gardening slip in occasionally).  I love to sew and after taking the past two years off from anything really big I am hoping that blogging about what I sew and do might help keep me focused and to be sort of a record to help me keep track of things, inspiration and otherwise. The second reason I decided to join blogger is that there are so many blogs that I love reading, and now I can follow and comment on them properly!
Over the next few days I will be adding some of my main posts from livejournal over to blogger so that I can have everything in one place so a new post, with pictures, is coming soon!
Grace e

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